2021 Donors

YMCA of Upper Palmetto expresses our deepest appreciation to all contributors to our 2021 Annual Campaign. Your support is more important than ever.

Arras Foundation
Comporium Foundation
First Horizon Bank
Founder’s Federal Credit Union
In Honor of C.D. “Bubber” Gregory
Key Benefits Administrators
Ladson Barnes
Lucille Glass
Matrix Fitness
Aaron Gross Builders
Aleda Howard
Architech Sports and Physical Therapy
Chris & Shana Shivel
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
David Buist
Drs. Christopher and Tiffany Eich
Greater Charlotte Auto Dealers Association
PurAqua Products, Inc.
York Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Bill & Patty Neelands
Freemotion Fitness
Glenn & Barbara Slensker
Jim Heckle
Joyce & Baxter Simpson
Junior Welfare League
Justin Kalweit
Kings Mountain Marathon
Richard Clay Goodyear
Richard Heckard
Rosemary Nelson
Skip’s Pancake Breakfast
212 Meal Prep Edward Ewald Neely Brakefield
Angel Neelands Elliott Close Our Three Sons Broadcasting
Ann Spencer Eternal Church Professional Lawn Systems, Inc.
Anonymous George & Cathy Groome Relevant Church Inc.
Bank of York George and Patricia Rita Heath
Barbara Farah Insure Insurance of Fort Mill LLC Bob & Gay Breakfield
Bill and Kim Biddix Jami Goins Robert Stacy
BNA CPA & Advisors Jeanne Becker Sarah Nitsche
Bob and Mary Lynn Dubler Jim & Cathy Gill Scott Bagwell
Camp Minder John Smart Southern Salads & Sandwich Co.
Carolina Lift Stations John Young Stephen & Lara Hull
Catawba River Dentistry Julia Bott Stephen Sannella
Charles Redfern Kack & Jim Hardin The Moe Bell Family
Charlies & Peggy Grobusky Karen Beaty The Summer Camp Fund
Cheryl Farah Kirk Eich Tim Conley
Christina Rimmer Krysten Franks Vicky Knox
CrossRidge Center/INSP Leo Beaulieu Walter Martinson
Don Baker Margaret Platt Will Close
Donald Nowak Mark Abrams William Scales
Donna & Richard Richter Michaela Scurlock Xplore Scuba
Duane Davis Missy Guptill Young & Donna Garrison
Ed & Becky Thompson MJ LaFranca Young Chin
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church Elaine Coleman RHPD Charlie Team
Anonymous Fresh From the Farm Richard Lee
Ashley Rock Give Local Lancaster Robert King
Barringer Construction Hart & Hickman, PC Robert Piccalo
Bee Roofing Herbert and Faye Myles Rock Hill High School Volleyball
Benjamin Johnson In Memory of Sarah Grace H. Roddey Miller
Brian Garrison Interstate Towing & Fleet Services Ronald & Carolyn Minnich
Burkett Burkett and Burkett Jan Toennisson Sam Roberson
Burns Ford Jeanne Musgrove Scott & Abby Putnam
Bynum Poe Jennifer Corbi Scott Jones
CA Bridge Club John Adams Shayna Downey
Carolina Sports Clinic John Coleman Sossamon Construction Co., Inc.
Chris Zamorski Karen Becker Surekha Shah
Clare Eustace Lancaster Rotary Club 6202 The Law Office of Nathan Sheldon
Daniel Burns Markeisha Ross Tommy Pope
Darrell Stanfield Mary Jenkins United Methodist Women of First United Methodist Church
David Brady Nate Salley Walter & Susan Thompson
Don Gardner Renee Price William Sitton
Duke Energy Zoe Eagan
Annie Williams Grace Vipperman Malea Habbal
Bethany Bernesser Haven Miller State Farm Nelva Scherer
Bob Gaines Herbert Tesh Olivia Chamblee
Boney Insurance Office, LLC J David Walters Peyton & Angela Worley
Brent Allmon Jennifer Miller Raygan Dunlap
Camp LUCK, Inc. Jimmy & Julie Johnson Reed Marquis
Chad Echols John B. Culp Samantha Edwards
Charlie Strickland John Berens Shane Guptill
Chet Tucker Joseph Guyon Susan Phillips
Clenzo Price Julie Swanson Tara Bogart
Debbie Bayag Kaitlin Goforth Thomas Robinson
Deborah Mitchem Katie Wright Uncle Lee, Aunt Lori, Dylan, Austin, Taylor & Leyna Brooke
Denese Reichenbach Kenneth Correll Vipperman Family
Donald Costner Kensley Jenkins Vision Metering LLC
Farmer’s Mutual Insurance Kylie Entrikin Will Gilmore
Frank Hargett Laura Keistler William Robbins
Frham Safety Products, Inc. Lori McEachern Willie Crank
Alexandra Rolf Dreama Cherry Jon Robinson Paul Richardson
Alice Robson Dwayne, Nicole, Jacob, and Hayden Jordan Joseph Sprouse Paulette & Thomas Ballard
Amanda Padillo Edward Jones Julianna Canfield Peggy Flint
Amelia Yeung Elizabeth Durkee Julie & Tal Slaydon Philip Hereford
Amelia, Joe and Anderson Elizabeth Hudspeth Julie Richardson Phillip Pearson
Anant Bhat Elrod Pope Law Firm Karen and Joey Vahle Phyllis Berger
Andrew Robert Verostek Franklin & Pam Pendleton Katherine Robinson Ralph Ricketson
Andy McGee Gail Engel Kathryn Sirulnik Rett and Lynn Rutland
Angie Lanier Gary Brocious Kathy & Gary Partlow Rhonda Wild
Anna Vaugn Gary Hood Kathy Berry and Family Robert Penny
Annie Broom Gay Willet Kathy McMahon Roby Painting
Anonymous Ginger Owens Kay West Roger Crump
Anson & Wendy Merrick Greg and Justine Bentley Kelvin Arjune Roger Higbea
Arlene Oberhofer Harry Truesdale Kristie Jordan Ron Black
Ashley Pulver Hayden Varn Kyle Nyenhuis Samuel Traywick
Ashley Wilson Helen Hayden Lamar Thompson Sandra Havermann
Beth Evansek Henrietta Neely Larry Doig Sarah Bond
Betty Anne Lewis Herbie Blackwell Latoya White Savannah Arsenault
Bill & Anita Geddings Hickory Grove/Sharon Elementary School Laura Walker and Grant Walker Sean Eley
Billy Robinson Hollie Guffy Lee Surridge Sean Tucker
Boykin Realty Group Holly Murphy Leon Floyd Sheila Costner
Brittney Miller Hope Robbins Linda Grayson Sheila Walker
Bud & Carol Marlow Howard and Betty Nichols Liz Allen Shelly Shope
Cameron Mathews Ian Corley Lona Gilmore Sherrie Long
Candace (Candy) Boothby Ian Davidson, Jr. Lori Martin Sid Shillinglaw
Carlee Baer In Honor of Bob & Sue Gilhooly LWG LLC Slade Saunders
Carolina Home Inspections In Honor of Carlie Torreyson Lynn Williams Stacey Reeves
Caroline Andrychowski In Honor of Joanne Greene Mack Wallace Stephanie & Chad Smith
Caroline Campbell In Honor of Jordan M. Walker Maddie Parkman Stephanie and Kevin O’Rourke
Catherine Norton In honor of William A. Boone Margaret Schumacher Stephen Sprague
Chanel Starnes In memory of Aidan Becker Margaret Witt Steve and Patty Hovis
Cheryl Reinke In Memory Of: LeRoy Pendleton Maria Mull Stewart Andrews
Christina Preis Isabella Morgan Marlene Surrette Susan Hereford
Christine Pokorney Jack Sherard Megan McCabe Suzanne McDonald
Christy Mathews Jackson Dawson Melissa Coverdale Sydnie Spears
Chuck and Chrystal Adkins James & Dianne Abel Melissa Thornton T24 11U Baseball Team
Chuck and Vicki Pulver James Hruschak Melissa Wolfe T24 14U Softball Team
Collin McCann James Roberts Mia Turner Tammy Woods
Craig Wilkerson Jane Brzoska Michael Nunnally TekSynap on behalf of Trey Lesslie
Crystal Carroll Janice & Don Hicks Michele McKeown Terri Carr
Crystal Walters Janice Hunt Hage Mike Mcdonald Terry McGuire
Curtis Shillingburg Janice McCann Mi’Kela Lewis The Gammons Family
Daniel Bargar Jason Harless Mildred Palmetto Tim Boyette
david guyton Jennie Diaz Morphia Bouboulis Tim Hallman
David Turner Jennifer Dawkins Nadja Canty Tina Ginn
David Vaughn Jennifer Fender Nancye Gehlbach Tom & Bonnie Hudgins
Davis Hooten Jennifer Roe Nefisa Mohammed Tom Templeton
Debbie Rast Jesse Fanton Nell Pears Tonia Parshall
Debra Smith Jim & Renee Hasty Nicholas Leonhardt Trellis Manning
Declan Bridges Jimmy May Noah Strauss Walter & Sharon Ford
Dee Hodnett JoAnn Todd Ormand Gale Jr William Francis
Della Barrett Joel Sutton Pamela & Lonnie Black William Heisler
Denise Carnahan John Cardozo Patricia Browning William Hughes
Dennis Williams John Gowdy Patricia Johnson William Russell
Doan Sun Plumbing John&Libby Pearson Paul Bartolotta Williams Properties LLC
Donald Pyke Johnny & Pat McGee Paul Cressor Zachary Ficenec
Doris Browder
Abby Bourque Dawson Bills Joan Marcelli Palmer Wong
Adriana Sandu Debbie O Timmons Jodie Cogdell Paula Greiner
Adrienne Long Denisha Hall John Beetar Peyton Hollenbacher
Adrienne Thomas Dennis Jones John Conrad Phayvanh Brown
Alexander Rantz Dennis Kowalski John Flanagan Philip Lieske
Amber Warner Destiny Todd John Hoitink Rachel Boyer
Amy Faulkenberry Diane Cullinan Jonathan Faulkenberry Rachel Ringler
Amy Parker Dominic Cipriano Josie Williams Reagan Miller
Andrea Gunn Donja Bethea Joy Moseley Rob, Ellen, David & Mark Walsh
Angela Armstrong Donna Holt Joyce Davis Roberta Goslicki
Angie Canon Douglas Christensen Judd & Anna Sutton Robin Talbot
Ann and Gary Hood Douglas Meyer Cuno Karen Potter Rosalee Giordano
Ann Everly Edward Cullen Karla Reid Ruth Culp
Ann Stack Electa McPherson Karrington McClurkin Ruth Gladden
Anna Bennett Eli Wolding Katy Edwards Sally Chicarello
Anne Bonn Eliana Watson Kenneth Burkins Sam, Diana, Madison and Spencer Tate
Anonymous Elizabeth Sandu Kenneth Morin Samuel Wilkins
Anthony Caruso Emmaus Church Kevin Cutts Sandra Grathwol
Arthur Pittman Ernie Nesmith Kiana Rios Sandra Thomas
Ashley Fisher Essential Skincare & Wellness Kyra Burton Sarah Greulich
Banks McGinn Fabiana Troxler LaRayne Hall Sarah Parrish
Barbara Clinton Ferris A Delionbach Lee & Amanda Boone Savannah Anderson
Barbara Harper Francine Robinson Lee Gardner Sheila Kirk
Becky Redden Frank Lippay Leibo Raibstein Shuler Robertson
Bertha and John Haack Fred & Joyce Thomas Leila Washington Sibylle Klaus
Betty Bolden Gabriel Conn Leland Bourque Spike & Melanie Myers
Bob and Joretta Bryant Gail Estella Studio Linda Montgomery Stacey Donahue
Bradley Ewing Gary Ratajczak Linda Robertson Steffen Merkle
Brian Franklin Gentry Collins Linda Williams Steve &Michelle LaBarge
Brian Ketch Gerald Danko Lisa Gensemer Steven Putman
Brianna Deal Ginger DeHaan Lisa Thomas Steven Rapp
Butch Blanchard Grace Depa Lori Flynn Summer Donahue
Carlton Sturgis Grace Saylor Lynn Bills Susan Cour
Carol Beehler Grace Summers Mandy Boileau Susan Murphy
Carol Middleton Gregg Reneau Margaret Chamblee Susan Van Zile
Caroline Rowell Harper Harrison Margaret Lollis Tanya Jennings
Carrie Sexton Broome Hazel Swoope Mark & Linda Richards Terri Ober
Carsten Hoerschgens-Ham Henry McMaster Mark Cieslikowski Terry Sindoni
Chad Heinrich Hollis Hopper Mary K Byrdic Thomas Doherty
Charles Robinson Hunter Akins Mary Neely Thomas Huber
Chip & Judy Comer Hunter Richards Mary Pendleton Thomas Matthew
Chloe Newport Ian Estes Mathias Hoerschgens-Ham Tiffani Paul
Chloe Nosal In Memory Of: Linda Wright Matthew Loftis Timothy Harris
Chris and Silvia Bohlmann India Hook Dental Care Melanie York Timothy McLinden
Chris Munn Jackson Baker Melissa Jackson Tina Ensminger
Christopher Daniell James Adair Meredith Ratajczak Toshia Smith
Cindy Elder James Jones Michael Cinkewicz Tracey Willis
Coleman Nies Jean Kaskowicz Michaelene Thompson Tracy Latham
Corrina Brennan Jenna Davis Michele and Loren Scott Trey Keels
Darcy Jones Jennifer Mayes Michelle Hatchett Tyffany Mosley
Darrin Murphy Jennifer Shortridge Mike McKeever Warren Brown
Darryl Robinson Jerry Anguiano Morning Star Real Estate and Relocation Wayne Toney
Dave & Nancy Grimm Jim Clinton natalie Einson Willie Gilmore
David Wright Jim Troyan Nina Hall Winston Strong
Dawn Dugan Joan Epping Novie Greene Wyatt Krashner

Angie Smith

Angie Smith, is a gifted writer, encourager and loving mother of four. Together with her husband, former NFL player Steve Smith, they established The Steve Smith Family Foundation, which is dedicated to providing hope and inspiration to those in need while advancing causes  close to the family’s heart – Promoting family health & wellness as well as the awareness and prevention of domestic violence.

In 2022, The Steve Smith Foundation and Mecklenburg County partnered to create Charlotte’s first behavioral health urgent care, a 24/7, 365 urgent care facility dedicated to mental health and substance abuse needs.

Angie’s commitment to her family, transparency and unselfishness, by putting other’s needs before her own, is an inspiration to all of us!

Alan Tyson

Alan Tyson is the President Architech Sports and Physical Therapy. He was the former Vice President of Sports Performance and Rehabilitation for OrthoCarolina. He is a physical therapist board certified as a sports clinical specialist, a certified athletic trainer and certified strength and conditioning specialist. He has worked with the Charlotte Knights (AAA affiliate of the Chicago White Sox) and continues to serve as a consultant to the team. Alan is also a consultant with the Carolina Panthers and Charlotte Eagles.

Alan has spoken regionally and nationally on various training topics including the foot and ankle, spine care, hip and knee rehabilitation, and he has developed two continuing education courses on the shoulder. He has written 3 books and developed specific training programs for the female athlete, the baseball pitcher, and for football players preparing for the NFL combines. Alan is also an associate editor of the National Strength and Conditioning Journal. He co-hosted a weekly radio show “Health Headlines” on 1110AM WBT with Stacey Sims and Dr. Russ Greenfield for 3 years.

Antoinette Johnson

Meet Antoinette Johnson, the inspiring culinary star of “America’s Test Kitchen: The Next Generation” Hailing from Lexington, KY, she transforms simple, humble ingredients into extraordinary dishes, all while championing the use of fresh, locally-sourced produce. Through her triumph on “America’s Test Kitchen: The Next Generation,” Antoinette’s unwavering perseverance catapulted her career, proving that with passion and determination, anything is possible. With a heart dedicated to community and a love for supporting local farmers, Antoinette’s journey is a testament to embracing change, fostering growth, and inspiring others to follow their culinary dreams.

Beyond her culinary triumphs, Antoinette is a firm believer in the power of evolution and perseverance. She stands as a shining example of how one can constantly evolve, change, and grow on their journey to success. Antoinette’s story is one of resilience and determination, inspiring others to follow their passions despite any challenges they may encounter.

Now, with a cookbook deal and cash grand prize, Antoinette is forging ahead on her culinary adventure, driven by the desire to prove herself and inspire her daughter.


Due to the current weather conditions, 

all facilities will open on 

Wednesday, January 22 @ 1:00pm

We have five Fitness+ locations that will be open for members who have signed up, with completed paperwork, for this member benefit. 

Download the YMCA360 app for future alerts and check out the on-demand videos for a workout on your schedule!