Welcome to Camp Cherokee, the Upper Palmetto YMCA’s Resident Camp. Established in 1945, Camp Cherokee is for boys and girls ages 6 to 14. We are located in Kings Mountain State Park in Blacksburg, South Carolina. Nestled in the 7,000+ acre state and national parks, Camp Cherokee boasts beautiful forests and a 66 acre private lake. Our goal continues to be helping everyone reach their potential by building self-esteem, friendships and character in a safe environment.
Will Gilmore, Camp Director
Ian Estes, Associate Camp Director
Amy Counterman Parker, Camp Administrator

Cherokee Conservation Corps
The Cherokee Conservation Corps (“CCC”) works directly with YMCA Camp Cherokee to fulfill the CCC’s mission: Preserving Our Legacy while Preparing Our Future.
Camp Cherokee Alumni, Friends, and Parents join together in the CCC to bring awareness to the amazing Camp we love, to fund capital projects, to reconnect with Camp, and most importantly - to make certain the children that get to experience Camp Cherokee have facilities to match the unrivaled spirit that has always been present.